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8.5 MW Houston Solar Farm- Houston, AK (2023)
The Houston Solar Farm is Renewable IPP's flagship project. The project represents the first institutional investment in solar in Alaska (CleanCapital) and sells electricity below the current cost of generation; delivering on RIPP's mission to suppress energy prices for Alaskans. Renewable IPP worked collaboratively with Matanuska Electric Association (MEA) to develop the project which was critical to delivering cost competitve energy to their members. The Matanuska Susitna Borough leased land for the project and the Alaska Energy Authority provided a loan for the project. The Houston Solar Farm was built by Renewable IPP with 100% local labor from the Matanuska-Susitna Valley. It's our proudest achievement to date and we look forward to delivering more cost saving and collaboratively developed projects just like it!
1.2 MW Willow Solar Farm Expansion- Willow, AK (2019)
Just one year after completing the 140 kilowatt pilot project, Renewable IPP delivered a 1.2 Megawatt expansion, making the Willow Solar Farm, Alaska's largest! The project was funded with private investment and a loan from the Alaska Energy Authority. The project delivers cost neutral energy to MEA members and offsets 2 million pounds of CO2 annually. Renewable IPP developed, constructed and operates the solar farm. 
140 kW Pilot- Willow, AK (2018)
Alaska's first commercial solar farm and Renewable IPP's proof of concept project. This project was funded, designed and built by the founding partners and proved up the cost and economic model for large scale solar in Alaska. The partners' hands on experience with this project generated project optimization ideas for future projects and was a critical first step to building know-how and stakeholder confidence that solar in Alaska is a viable and cost competitive generation technology!


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